Summer Vacation Rental Tips: Making the Most of the High Season in Murfreesboro

Summer Vacation Rental Tips: Making the Most of the High Season in Murfreesboro

Murfreesboro, TN, was founded in 1811 and is the largest suburb of Nashville, TN. People love Murfreesboro because of its small-town college feel and quiet and friendly neighborhoods.

Due to its rich history, scenic beauty, and vibrant cultural scene, it's an ideal destination for summer vacations. For property owners and hosts, the high season offers a lucrative opportunity to maximize rental income.

To ensure a successful and profitable summer, here are some essential tips for optimizing your summer vacation rental in Murfreesboro.

Enhance Your Property's Appeal

First impressions matter, especially in the competitive vacation rental market. Ensure that your property stands out by enhancing its appeal both inside and out.

Curb Appeal

Maintain a well-manicured lawn, add colorful flowers, and ensure the exterior is clean and inviting. Consider adding outdoor seating or a barbecue area to attract guests looking for outdoor relaxation.

Interior Comfort

Update furnishings, provide comfortable bedding, and ensure all amenities are in working order. A well-equipped kitchen and modern appliances can make a big difference.

Local Touches

Incorporate local decor and artwork to give your property a unique Murfreesboro flavor. Provide information about local attractions and events to help guests feel more connected to the area.

Optimize Your Listing

An attractive and detailed online listing is crucial for attracting guests to summer getaways. Invest in high-quality, professional photos that showcase your property's best features. Highlight unique aspects such as spacious rooms, scenic views, or special amenities.

Detailed Descriptions

Write clear and enticing descriptions of your vacation home property and its amenities. Be honest about what guests can expect to avoid disappointments and negative reviews.

Guest Reviews

Encourage satisfied guests to leave positive reviews. High ratings and glowing reviews can significantly boost your property's visibility and attractiveness to potential renters.

Set Competitive Rates

Pricing your rental competitively is key to attracting guests while maximizing your income. Analyze the pricing of similar vacation rentals in Murfreesboro. Consider factors such as location, size, and amenities when setting your rates.

Seasonal Pricing

Adjust your rates based on the season. While summer is the high season, consider offering discounts for longer stays or last-minute bookings to fill any gaps in your calendar.

Minimum Stay Requirements

Set minimum stay requirements to reduce turnover and ensure longer bookings. This can minimize cleaning and maintenance efforts.

Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Outstanding customer service can set your rental apart and lead to repeat bookings and positive reviews.

Respond promptly to inquiries and provide clear, concise information. Ensure that check-in and check-out instructions are easy to follow.

Consider offering a welcome package with local treats, a map of the area, and information about nearby attractions and restaurants.

Be available to address any issues or questions that guests may have during their stay. Promptly resolving problems can lead to higher guest satisfaction and better reviews.

Find Your Next Summer Vacation Rental in Murfreesboro, TN

As a property owner, you are probably always looking for the best summer rentals. Well, with Murfreesboro, TN, you've found it.

Need some help managing properties in Murfreesboro? PMI Professionals will bring 20-odd years of full-service property management services to your business, so you don't have to worry about your summer vacation rental properties.

Contact our team and learn more about how we can assist.
